Old Twitter Exchange Between Babar Azam and Zainab Abbas Resurfaces Amid Controversies

In the whirlpool of social media, nothing ever truly disappears. An old Twitter exchange between Pakistani cricket star, Babar Azam, and journalist Zainab Abbas has resurfaced, adding another layer to the ongoing controversies surrounding the renowned journalist’s alleged ‘anti-India’ tweets.

It appears that the cricketer once slammed Abbas over a tweet she had posted. The exact details of the tweet are unclear but the stern warning from Azam, ‘Don’t cross limits!’, suggests that it may have crossed a line in some way. This incident seems to be adding fuel to the fire of the current situation.

Abbas, who has carved out a significant name for herself in the world of sports journalism, has found herself in the eye of the storm recently. Her tweets, perceived as ‘anti-India’ by some observers, have stirred up a hornet’s nest. The current controversy has brought the old exchange with Azam back into the limelight, making the situation more complex.


  1. Who are Babar Azam and Zainab Abbas?

    Babar Azam is a renowned cricketer from Pakistan, known for his exceptional skills on the cricket field. Zainab Abbas, on the other hand, is a well-known Pakistani journalist who covers sports, particularly cricket.

  2. What was the Twitter exchange between Babar Azam and Zainab Abbas?

    It was an old exchange where Babar Azam responded to a tweet from Abbas with ‘Don’t cross limits!’. The details of the original tweet from Abbas are not clear.

  3. Why is Zainab Abbas in controversy?

    Zainab Abbas is currently in controversy due to some of her tweets, which have been perceived as ‘anti-India’ by some observers.

In conclusion, the spotlight is firmly on Zainab Abbas as her past Twitter exchange with Babar Azam resurfaces amid the ongoing controversy. It remains to be seen how these developments will impact her career and reputation in the world of sports journalism. The saga serves as a reminder of the power and potential pitfalls of social media, where past interactions can resurface at any time and add new dimensions to current controversies.

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