The 2022 Rogers Outage: A Business Crisis and Its Lessons

In July 2022, a massive outage at Rogers, one of Canada’s largest telecommunications companies, left 12 million Canadians without wireless and hard-wired services. The outage, which lasted for over 15 hours, caused widespread disruption, affecting businesses, emergency services, and individuals across the country. An independent review conducted for Canada’s telecommunications regulator has since revealed that…

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Canada’s Housing Market Experiences Another Downturn in September: Sales and Benchmark Prices Decrease

Canada’s real estate market has seen another slowdown in September, marking the third consecutive month of decline, according to the latest data from the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). The slump in home sales comes amid falling benchmark prices, adding another layer of complexity to an already challenging housing market. The Continuing Decline in Home…

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General Motors and Canadian Autoworkers’ Union Reach Tentative Agreement, Potentially Ending Strike

In a recent development, General Motors (GM) and Unifor, the union representing Canadian auto workers, have reached a tentative contract agreement. This advancement in discussions could potentially result in the termination of a strike that has seen over 4,000 auto workers downing their tools since early Tuesday. The Strike The strike, which commenced early Tuesday,…

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