Priya Patel

Virgin Galactic: A New Era of Space Tourism Unfurled with 4th Commercial Flight

In the ever-advancing realm of space exploration, Virgin Galactic, the pioneering commercial spaceflight company, has launched its fourth flight carrying “space tourists”. This latest achievement not only marks another significant milestone in Virgin Galactic’s journey but also pushes the boundaries of commercial space tourism a step further. The spacecraft, named Unity, successfully undertook its ninth…

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‘Willow’ Resurrects Lucasfilm Fantasy with Modern Streaming Adventure

The classic Lucasfilm fantasy, ‘Willow’, is being reincarnated into a more contemporary streaming adventure. Disney’s press materials have nostalgically referred to the 1988 original movie as “beloved”, an adjective that might seem a tad overblown for George Lucas’s rather generic fantasy plot. However, that movie did play a significant role in providing an early directing…

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Rep. Nancy Mace’s Claim on Democrats’ Trust in Rep. Jim Jordan as House Speaker

In a recent interview, CNN’s Jake Tapper confronted Representative Nancy Mace, a Republican from South Carolina, about her controversial claim involving her colleagues from the Democratic Party. Mace had previously asserted that some House Democrats confided in her their trust in Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio to serve as House Speaker. Rep. Mace, who…

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